

Runs from October - March

Sundays from 9:30am - 12:00pm


Gananoque Curling Club

300 William Street South

Gananoque, Ontario


If you would like to join this sport with Special Olympics Ontario Kingston:

As a volunteer, please go to the following link to register.


We will be notified of your interest and will get back to you as soon as we can.

If there are spaces in the program(s) you wish to attend we will put you in directly touch with the coach.


Curling News

Shot Rocks curl with police!

The Kingston Shot Rocks had an amazing morning curling with the Kingston, Gananoque, and Brockville City Police and OPP officers. The competition was ‘fierce’ with a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude exhibited (not)

Our thanks go out to ALL the officers in attendance today. Your support is greatly 


Helping with Tim Horton's Fundraiser

Our Kingston Shot Rocks Curling Team helped out at the Tim Horton’s in Gananoque on Friday February 2nd!  

We are so grateful to Chief Scott Gee and his officers for their continued support of our Special Olympics Kingston Curling Team.